N4 Alarms to Whats App

  • Send Alarms to Whats App
  • Mobile or PC Notifications
  • Alarms are sent Instantly
  • Sends Remote Station Alarms
  • Filter by Alarm Class
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N4 Alarms to Whats App Service


N4 Alarms to Whats App Service instantly notifies of new station alarms to the popular messaging service, Whats App. Whats App is free and can be viewed on pc or installed on a mobile. This service can be added multiple times for each station.

Are you looking for a cost effective way to manage and visualize data for all your customers? Why not have a look at View Builder?


Before you start please make sure you have sent us your host id so we can issue a license.
1. Copy the alarmsToWhatsApp-rt.jar file to your modules directory.
2. Open the module from your palette file.
3. Drag and drop the service to your stations services configuration.
4. Set the alarm class subscriptions (see below).
5. Set the TO number in the service property (see below)
Note: the service makes an outbound https call to our domain www.wse-ltd.com.

whats app props

Alarm Class Subscriptions:

This is a comma separated field of absolute ords pointing to the alarm Classes you want to get notification for.
Add alarm classes as required. E.g.

Alarm Class Filters:

Use the alarm class filters property, on the service to only send specific alarms classes to messenger. Leave empty for all alarm classes to be sent.

blank - all alarm classes sent

Comma separated list examples:
defaultAlarmClass - only alarms with defaultAlarmClass will be sent
defaultAlarmClass,S2AlarmClass - both alarm classes will be sent

To Number:

Set the fully qualified tel number with plus sign + country area code + telephone number. The number must be a registered Whats App number. If the plus sign is omitted, your business phone number's country calling code is prepended to the customer's phone number. This can result in undelivered or misdelivered messages.
E.g. +17035551212 or +447915056565

From Number - if you would like to use your own from number please Contact Us with your number, company information, company logo, and description of business otherwise our phone number will show up as the from number. Note: the from number must not already be registered as a Whats app number. If it is, you can unregister it by uninstalling Whats app from the registered number. A landline is preferred. The phone number will need to be verified by either a text message or phone call with the verification pin.


For every conversation we are charged 5cents (USD) per day. We will monitor the number of conversations for each customer. If this goes beyond our thresholds then you may receive a small invoice from us, approximately $10.00. We don't expect this to happen very often. If you want to manage your own conversations & payments and use your own from number, then you will need a Facebook (Meta) business account, which is an extensive process. We do not keep a record of the message content, only an entry for the time of the message. Your stats are available upon request.

Future Developments:

  • Ability to send images
  • Callback button to ack alarms
  • Easier to add your own company profile and telephone number




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